Could Your Gallbladder Problem Be the Result of Hypothyroidism?

Problems with the gallbladder are just one problem that may be in evidence when the thyroid is not performing normally. The symptoms you could experience may be wide-ranging and gallstones could be just one of those many unpleasant problems.

While gallbladder disease could be the result of simply leading a sedentary lifestyle with lots of fast food, it also could be caused by hypothyroidism, a condition that means that the thyroid is not producing enough of the right thyroid hormones. Since these hormones affect many of your bodily processes, an insufficient amount affects everything from digestion and bowel movements to the speed of your ability to process thoughts.

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Developing Gallstones

Could Your Gallbladder Problem Be the Result of Hypothyroidism?

When the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones (T4, which is later converted to T3, the active form), this causes the gallbladder to reduce its output, too. It slows down the flow of bile, causing poor metabolizing of fats with symptoms of gas, bloating, constipation, indigestion and even pain. This stagnation can also end up in the formation of gallstones. Since 20% of the T4 made is converted to T3 in the gut, inflammation in the gut can result in lower amounts of active T3 available for use by the body. Research shows that there is a relationship between low thyroid and gallstone formation, especially in males. (1.)

Gallbladder Pain and Its Causes

Gallstones can develop in different sizes and shapes, as well as in degrees of hardness. They are most often formed from cholesterol and bile. Oftentimes, they may not even be noticed because they do not always cause pain. At other times, even a small gallstone may cause a lot of pain.

Women will be the ones that most likely have hypothyroidism, although the ratio of women to men is about four to one, and it is most common in women between the ages of 35 to 60. The likelihood of gallstones increases with age. Even young children and teens, however, can develop problems with their thyroid.

Pain from a gallbladder attack can be extremely painful, making it difficult to walk upright, or do more than very lightly touch the spot over your gallbladder, which is right below your rib cage on the right side of your stomach. Only about a third of people with gallstones will ever have pain from them - most do not.

Hypothyroid Symptoms

Your thyroid gland provides regulation for many different bodily functions. This is why there can be such a wide range of symptoms when hypothyroidism is present. Some of the symptoms that may be experienced include:

  • Foggy brain
  • Loss of memory
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Hair thinning/loss
  • Weight gain and difficulty losing weight
  • Allergies
  • Constipation
  • Dry skin
  • Low body temperature and intolerance to cold
  • Morning headaches that wear off later in the day
  • Gallbladder problems including gallstones and delayed emptying

The thyroid, when functioning properly, will help to reduce and possibly even eliminate many health problems. If you have a problem with gallstones, or gallbladder disease, you may want to have your thyroid checked. Sometimes even receiving a negative result from a blood test can be misleading. The test for Hashimoto's Thyroid Disease, for example, can give a false negative three times before coming back positive.

Gallstone problems can often be helped with natural solutions, and you can find the pain relief you need. Even if a diagnosis has so far eluded the medical professionals, you can still find the relief you need from foods that are all around you.

1. Henry Völzke, Daniel M Robinson, Ulrich John, Association between thyroid function and gallstone disease, World J Gastroenterol

Could Your Gallbladder Problem Be the Result of Hypothyroidism?

Deborah Graefer is a Licensed Acupunturist with a Master's degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine. She has been specializing in gallbladder diseases for 10 years and is the owner of the website which offers in-depth information and products specifically for gallbladder and other digestive disorders. Deborah consults with people internationally about their gallbladder conditions with the focus being to get out of pain first, with diet and supplemental support and secondly to find the underlying cause of the problem, which is often beyond diet and based in hypothyroidism, hashimoto's and/or food sensitivities.

Untreated Hypothyroidism - Learn The Consequences and Get Treatment Fast

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland located at the base of the throat is not producing sufficient thyroid hormones needed for body metabolism. If you are suffering from this disorder, you are more likely to have symptoms associated with a slow body metabolism. These include depression, memory loss, weight gain, low sex drive, heavy menstrual period and constipation.

Hypothyroidism is normally treated with synthetic thyroid hormones, levothyroxine. This medication helps to supplement the thyroid hormones in the body to a level required for normal body activities. It is therefore very important to treat your hypothyroidism as soon as you are diagnosed because untreated hypothyroidism can develop into more serious health problems.

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The followings are the likely consequences of untreated hypothyroidism:

Untreated Hypothyroidism - Learn The Consequences and Get Treatment Fast

Heart problem

Thyroid hormone is required for the proper functioning of the heart. Abnormally low thyroid hormones in the body tend to increase the level of cholesterol and this can increase the risk of developing heart disease. A high level of cholesterol can lead to hardening of the arteries which can result in high blood pressure if and possibility of heart failure if not properly treated.

Infertility and Pregnancy Complications

Untreated hypothyroidism can also affect the reproductive system and interfere with ovulation. This can result in abnormal or heavy menstrual cycle leading to infertility. In a pregnant woman, it can result in miscarriage or premature delivery.

Birth Defects

During the period of pregnancy, the unborn baby depends on the thyroid hormones of the mother. Babies born to women with untreated hypothyroidism during pregnancy are more likely to develop low IQ and other physical and mental problems compare to babies born to healthy women.


This is as a result of prolong period of hypothyroidism without treatments. It is a rare but serious consequence of untreated hypothyroidism. Symptoms of this disease include severe drop in body temperature or hypothermia, slow heart rate, seizures and coma.

Untreated Hypothyroidism - Learn The Consequences and Get Treatment Fast

To avoid the consequences of untreated hypothyroidism, it is very important to seek for proper treatments as soon as you are diagnosed. You can start your treatments by making use of Natural Remedies For Hypothyroidism such as proper diet and herbal methods. To learn more about various natural remedies which can help you to live a healthy live, visit

How to Lose Weight in a Week - Reshape Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Uncontrollably

I'm going to show you how to lose weight in a week while you reshape your metabolism and burn fat uncontrollably. Your body will have no choice but to simply discard the extra pounds of fat that it's been holding on to for "an emergency".

A new YOU is about to take shape.

\"Lose Weight\"

How to Lose Weight in a Week

How to Lose Weight in a Week - Reshape Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Uncontrollably

1. First things first, you probably have 5 or more pounds of water weight you need to get rid of. For that, you'll need to drink a lot of water.

Here's what's up with water weight. Your body clings to it for emergencies. Your body still has the mentality that it's still 1,000 or more years ago when water was scarce. Back then, the added water weight helped people to survive.

Today, it just makes people look fat and bloated.

Well, you need to TRICK your body into thinking there's plenty of water so that it's pointless to carry the extra water weight. The easiest way to do that is to drink A LOT OF WATER.

Once you do, you're body will say to itself "Ok, I guess I don't need this added water for an emergency... I'll just release it now". So this water gets eliminated out of your body. And it goes rather fast too.

So if you were to drink a gallon of water each day, you can quite possibly lose 5 pounds of water weight in 3-4 days.

A bonus to this is that drinking a lot of water speeds up your metabolism to burn off even more calories. Listen, I know this "drink a lot of water" information isn't too exciting, but it does work. So do it.

2. Your body has at least 5-10 pounds of putrified wastes and fecal matter clogging it up.

Actually, if you're 25 or more pounds overweight, you probably have even more than that. I read something about the autopsies on John Wayne and Elvis... they both had OVER 20 POUNDS of crusted up wastes and fecal matter in their body.

Think about that!

I don't mean to gross you out or anything, but it should be clear to you that you don't want undigested wastes in your body. So how do you solve this?

Simple... you get a lot of fiber in your diet... at least 40 grams.

For this, I recommend black beans, apples, and bananas.

Eat 1 can of black beans a day... that gets you 25 grams of fiber. Also, eat 3 bananas and or apples a day. That'll get you about 15 grams.

This fiber will help push out those wastes. It may take some time since those wastes are wedged in there pretty good (in most cases) from years of dietary abuse from you. Just be consistent with getting the 40 or more grams of fiber a day and slowly but surely that stuff will get loosened up and swept out of your body.

That's a simple way on how to lose weight in a week and reshape your metabolism without doing anything crazy!

How to Lose Weight in a Week - Reshape Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Uncontrollably

Listen, if you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

Simply Weight Loss - Do Not Panic - Its So Easy

What is the solution to the problem of being over-weight?

What is Fat Loss 4 idiots program on "calorie shifting" for weight loss?

\"Simply Weight Loss\"

What are the diet secrets?

Simply Weight Loss - Do Not Panic - Its So Easy

What is the art of shifting calories?

All these questions stuck your mind when you search for fat loss secrets on the internet.

You would be thinking that what is so special about this SHIFTING CALORIE THEORY of Fat Loss 4 Idiots. The thing is that your metabolism is unaware of how much food you will eat tomorrow or the next day because those days have not happened yet.

In this technique, your body is given different types of calories each day which as a result makes your metabolism confused thereby forcing FASTER fat loss to happen.

Here is one more thing that you will need for this dieting technique to work, FAT BURNING COMPATIBLE. This technique will rate the foods you must eat because the foods you eat must be easy to burn to help your metabolism to burn them entirely and then switch to burning your fat tissue after that.

But how can I trust that CALORIE SHIFTING will help me reach my target?

Has anyone tried this calorie shifting diet and how does it work?

The reply to all your questions is that anything and everything is possible if you bring a bit of changes in you. What this means is that how can you get slimmer without CHANGING YOUR EATING HABITS, something which you have never tried before.

Another advantage of Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the variety put into its daily meal plans with no repetition which will encourage your body to burn more calories and fat.

The best part of this metabolic weight loss program is that despite a diet plan you can still enjoy the pleasurable things like you can relish an ice-cream, watch television without any restrictions and sit around when in the mood of relaxing.

Nothing comes to you until you wake up and make efforts for it. You will have to take the initiative if you want to get slimmer.

Fat loss 4 Idiots has proved itself to be the most effective healthy way to lose abdominal fat, lose ugly belly fat and gain muscle only by using this secret diet plan called as "Calorie Shifting".

This 11 Day Diet System at Fat Loss 4 Idiots will continue to work time after time, and this is the sole reason for it being so valuable. ...After 11 Days you can keep using it again and again to lose as much weight as you wish.

Simply Weight Loss - Do Not Panic - Its So Easy

Navneet Brar has a lot of information on weight loss cure tips to burn the fat.

Here is a lot more on the natural way to weight loss, like natural remedies for weight loss.